
This is the web resource for NTU's Bio-Data Science and Education Laboratory

View the Project on GitHub gohwils/biodatascience


2018 and 2019

  1. Data Science in Biology
  2. Fundamentals of Computer Science and Programming
  3. Programming languages
  4. R for data science part 1
  5. R for data science part 2
  6. R and Bioconductor
  7. Research Design
  8. Refresher on statistics
  9. The Art of statistics - The p-values lie
  10. The Art of statistics - The Anna Karenina principle part 1
  11. The Art of statistics - The Anna Karenina principle part 2
  12. Databases part 1
  13. Databases part 2
  14. Machine learning part 1
  15. Machine learning part 2
  16. Data visualization